Friday, February 25, 2011

Proud to be smkaklian and always

SMKAKL now in a changing phase that sampai x leh recognise my old SMKAKL when I enter form 1.surau,skola,asrama,everything.Somehow,smkakl spirit is exist in me and all smkaklians and ex.Lets fire up that spirit

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Power of istikharah quantum

Slm.My new post now is all about istikharah.Slalunya,our pppl thinking is that istikharah is all about jodoh.Ble nk wt istikharah,org sume "kte nk cari jodoh ke?".Actually,x semestinya,Istikharah adalah utk mencari satu pilihan yg bgus antara dua pilihan yg nampak mcm btul je.Setelah melakukan solat istikharah,x semestinya mimpi adalah jwpn.Kadang2 jwpn tu dtg dlm bentuk gerakan ati mcm tiba2 nk wt benda tu.Jwpn yg dpt tu dtg dr allah sebagai membalas usaha kte dlm melakukan solat itu.Jwpn allah adaalh yg paling baik walaupumn manusia ckp pilihan tu x bgus.

Allah know someone better than anyone else including ur parents and urself.There r many stories when that person didnt do istikharah and regret their decision.When u do istikharah,allah's decision x akan wt seseorang menyesal.Moreover,our beloved prophet love us to do istikharah first then make our decision.

I want to share with u my story.When I picked my school during form 1,I picked SMKAKL because it is my istikharah.Sometime,I regret Studying there.Tp,ble dpt tawaran mse form 4,dh tau betapa hikmahnya ikut allah's flow of life.So,I reject my tawaran because of my istikharah.I met my friend from KISAS that moved 2 weeks ago.He tell me his 2 weeks experienced.Then,I felt so happy and thanks 2 Allah because I follow His advice.Here,I get to link with my beloved prophet.....:)

That is the power of istikharah quantum...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mari berbloging

Slm.Post ari ni nampak cm pelik je.Slalunya,aq ske sngt gne fb dan x tau lh ape gnenya blog.Tp,tiba2 dpt hidayah dr Allah(alhamdullilah,bgus giler dpt hidayah)nk wt blog ni.So,mari kte berbloging....:)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Salam.Birth of the prophet.

Salam.Ni post first blog ni.Dlm pd itu,12 Rabiul Awal telah berlalu.Kelahiran manusia teragung sudah berlau.So,kte mesti ikut sunnah die sebab baginda merupakan contoh terbaik dlm hidup kte lebih drpd sume org termasuklah Barack Obama,Ahmadinejad.Allah sendiri kte yg Rasullulah merupakan contoh yg terbaik utk umatnya.So,mari bersunnah.....:)